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příhraničních regionů
Domovská stránka / Reference / Purchase of machine equipment for the winter tourist accessibility the Eagle and Bystřické mountains

Purchase of machine equipment for the winter tourist accessibility the Eagle and Bystřické mountains

Purchase of machine equipment for the winter tourist accessibility the Eagle and Bystřické mountains

Village Orlické Záhoří
Project partner
Olešnice in the Eagle Mountains
Project partner
Bytrzyca Kłodzka
Crest Bystrzyce.jpg
Project partnerDuszniki Source
Herb Dusznik Source.jpg

Project Purchase of machine equipment for the winter tourist access to the Eagle and Bystřické mountains
The amount of budget 1 080 000
Grant    949 000 
Project description The project was focused on improving conditions for treatment of cross-country trails in the Eagle and Bystřické Mountains. Within the project two snow removals were purchased on the Czech side and two snow removals and two snowmobiles on the Polish side.

Thanks to the project, were the existing trails mechanically regularly maintained. The project included the renovation and expansion of tourist signs of cross-country trails. For each area were issued promotional materials and plastic wall maps and tourist information centres. It was also held a joint Czech-Polish cross-country race.
05/ 2008 - 04/ 2010
www pages http://www.orlickezahori.eu
Source of financing the project Cross border cooperation Operational Programme Czech Republic - Poland 2007-2013, the support area 2.2 Support the development of tourism
Activity provided
logos CZ PL.jpg
2010  |   Regional Development Agency   |   Panská 1492, 516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou   |   + 420 494 535 095   |   info@rda-rk.cz