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Underground of the Giant mountains

Underground of the Giant mountains

Městys Černý Důl

Project partner
Czech speleological society ZO 5-02 Albeřice
Project partnerGmina Karpacz
Project partnerGmina Kowary
Project Underground of the Giant mountains
The amount of budget 855 000 €
Grant 774 000 €
Project description Project activities are built on a common historical theme of partners - mining. The aim of this project was to bring the expansion of tourism in the Giant mountains. The project output is opening part of mine work Kovárna, the emergence of the museum in the Black Dole, the emergence of geological and nature trails in Karpacz and installation of the permanent exhibition in Kowary. Part of the event was the exhibition exchange and were issued joint promotional materials - leaflets, maps and a booklet Underground the Giant mountains.
05/ 2009 - 11/ 2010
www pages http://www.cernydul.cz/
Source of financing the project Operational programme Cross-Border cooperation Czech Republic - Poland 2007-2013, the area of support 2.2 Support the development of tourism 
Activity provided Preparation of applications
Selective procedures
Complete realization of projects

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